Visit to Newbury Real Ale Festival

 14:00 Sat 11 Sep 2021

 Northcroft Fields

Northcroft Lane

RG14 1RS

Meet up with CAMRA members at 2pm outside the craft beer tent (hosted by Wild Weather Ales). W Berks CAMRA member Richard Marshall (Hermitage Brewery) will be there to greet members. Note that Berkshire SE CAMRA members have also organised a social visit to the festival so look out for them as well.
The festival is organised by Newbury and Thatcham Hockey Club. Visit the festival website (‘Drinks’ tab) for details of beer and cider at the festival.
To guarantee attendance tickets should be purchased in advance via the website. It has recently been announced that tickets will also be available on the gate until the attendance limit is reached. Note that less tickets are available this year.
You may want to bring a rug or folding chair as seating is not provided.

The festival gates are due to open at 12 noon.

It has recently been announced that it will be possible to leave and re-enter the festival despite advice that this is not possible on the festival website. (